R-Auth - Managing Users and Roles

User Management

1. User Overview

  • The user management interface provides a comprehensive list of all users in the system.

  • Each user entry displays:

  • Name: The full name of the user

  • UUID: A unique identifier for each user account

2. User List Features

  • Search: A search bar at the top allows quick lookup of users by name or UUID.

  • Pagination:

  • Users are displayed in pages, with options to navigate between pages.

  • Customizable items per page (e.g., 10 users shown in the screenshot).

  • Sorting: Likely available by clicking on column headers (Name, UUID).

3. User Profile Details

When selecting a specific user, the following information and options are available:

a. Basic Information

  • Full Name: The complete name of the user

  • Phone Number: Contact number with country code

  • Email: User's email address, used for communication and potentially as a username

b. Authentication Settings

  • Password: Secure credential for user authentication

  • Enable OTP: Toggle for One-Time Password authentication

  • Disable User: Option to deactivate a user account

c. Role Management

  • Roles: Dropdown to assign and manage user roles

4. Account Management Actions

  • Update: Modify user information and settings

  • Manage Keys: Handle authentication keys for the user

  • Enable Password-less: Option for alternative authentication methods

  • Unblock User: Restore access for locked accounts

  • Delete: Remove the user account

  • Delete Bearer Token: Revoke active authentication tokens

  • Delete User Session: End current user sessions

5. Security Features

  • OTP (One-Time Password): Additional layer of authentication

  • Password-less Authentication: Alternative to traditional passwords

  • UUID: Ensures each user has a unique, non-sequential identifier for enhanced security

  1. Administrative Functions
  • Bulk Operations: Consider implementing functions for bulk user management (e.g., bulk role assignment, bulk enable/disable).

  • Export: Option to export user data for reporting or backup purposes.

  • Audit Logging: Track all changes and actions performed on user accounts.

Role Management

1. Role Overview

  • R-Auth implements a role-based access control (RBAC) system to manage user permissions.

  • The role management interface provides a list of all roles in the system.

  • Each role entry displays:

  • Name: The name of the role (e.g., "administrator")

  • UUID: A unique identifier for each role

2. Role List Features

  • Search: A search bar at the top allows quick lookup of roles by name or UUID.

  • Pagination:

  • Roles are displayed in pages, with options to navigate between pages.

  • Customizable items per page (e.g., 10 roles shown per page).

  • Sorting: Likely available by clicking on column headers (Name, UUID).

3. Role Types

a. Administrator Role

  • Full access to all setting features and management functions in R-Auth.

  • Capabilities include:

  • User management (create, update, delete users)

  • Role management (create, update, delete roles)

  • System configuration

  • Access to all administrative functions

    b. Normal User Role

  • Limited access, primarily to their own user profile.

  • Capabilities include:

  • Viewing and updating their own user information

  • Changing their password

  • Managing their own authentication settings (e.g., enabling OTP)

4. Role Management Functions (for Administrators)

  • Create Role: Ability to define new roles with specific permissions.

  • Edit Role: Modify existing role permissions and attributes.

  • Delete Role: Remove roles that are no longer needed.

  • Assign Roles: Associate roles with user accounts.


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